Types of Filters
Each type of filter will be indicated by the black bar underneath the search bar. For example, if you select Unresolved, you will see this:
All: displays all posts in your feed
Unread: filters unread posts in your feed
labeled with a blue dot
not including unread followups
Updated: filters posts that have been updated/edited since your last login
including unread posts
Unresolved: filters unanswered questions and unresolved followups
questions lacking an instructor and student answer are highlighted in red
followups that are unresolved are labeled in red text below the post description
Due for an Answer: filters posts that require an answer
Instructor Posts: filters posts made by instructors
More options:
Mark all read: mark all posts as read, including unread posts
View in compact mode: hides posts descriptions from your feed
→ only displays post titles
Show helper icons: displays small icons to label post-type
→ green "s" has a student answer, orange "i" has an instructor answer
→ check-mark means an instructor endorsed the student's answer
→ graph icon is poll and line icon is note
Show followup count: displays the number of followups in a post