LTI is a standard that enables third-party services like Piazza to integrate with learning management systems. All of the major LMSs support LTI, and you can also implement LTI in your custom LMS .
Here's a few resources to help you get started:
Writing LTI :
IMS website:
Credentials for LTI:
Endpoint (must be https):
Key: piazza.sandbox
Secret: test_only_secret
LTI test harness (use this to play with LTI parameters and connect to Piazza):
See mapping of LTI parameters below.
See starter code below.
Hosted LMS Environments:
Moodle: un:admin pw:demo
Sakai: un:admin pw:admin
Blackboard: User: nick4686 Password: password
You can email [email protected] to receive a key and secret for your school when you’re ready to use the integration for real classes. The key above is for testing purposes only and has limited functionality. Please contact us if you have any questions about Piazza or would like help integrating.
LTI Parameter Mapping
Required LTI launch parameters:
lti_version = LT-1p0 lti_message_type = basic-lti-launch-request resource_link_id = <identifies link placement in LMS>
user_id = <unique identifier for user> roles = <Instructor, Student, TA> context_id = <unique identifier for course> tool_consumer_instance_guid = <unique identifier for LMS>
Recommended parameters:
lis_person_name_full = <user name: Jane Q. Public> lis_person_contact_email_primary = <user email: [email protected]>
context_title = <course name: Design of Personal Environments> context_label = <course number: SI182>
Starter Code
This starter code is a working Piazza LTI consumer. It generates signed parameters that can be saved in a form or added to the body of a request.
Please reach out if you have questions about using or porting this code: [email protected]