Followup comments in a post are a great way to discuss or ask further questions related to the top-level post. By default, you can toggle between marking a followup as resolved (such as when the comment has been addressed), or unresolved to draw attention to the comment.

We've added support to allow you to disable the Resolved/Unresolved toggle for your class if this feature is not relevant for your class. This is recommended for when students use followups to generate discussions with no single "right" answer. 

To disable the toggle, navigate to your Manage Class tab and scroll down to Resolved/Unresolved Toggle on Followups. If you decide to re-enable this toggle, any followups that were not previously marked as Resolved will be marked as Unresolved.

If you'd like to keep track of the number of followups in a post, click on the gear icon in the top righthand corner of your Q&A feed and select Show Followup Count