Accessibility Improvements

Piazza Q&A has been designed to function more effectively with assistive technologies including screen readers, keyboard navigation, and other assistive technologies. For more information, please view our Accessibility Statement

If you are a university administrator or staff member that would be interested in reviewing our Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), please reach out to us at [email protected] for more information. If you are using Piazza Lite, please see this article to understand the differences.

Recommended Browser and Screen Readers

Operating SystemScreen ReaderBrowser
WindowsJaws or NVDAChrome or Firefox
Mac OSVoiceOverSafari

Rich Text Editor Accessibility Shortcuts

The following Alt+key and Option+key shortcuts can only be used when the content area of the editor has focus.


TaskPC (Non-macOS users)macOS
Focus/jump to menu barAlt+F9Option+F9
Focus/jump to toolbarAlt+F10Option+F10
Focus/jump to element pathAlt+F11Option+F11
Close menu/submenu/dialogEscEsc
Return to the editor content areaEscEsc
Navigate left/right through menu/toolbarTab and the Arrow KeysTab and the Arrow Keys


For additional navigation keyboard shortcuts and shortcuts for applying some commonly-used formats, see: TinyMCE Keyboard shortcuts.

These shortcuts are provided by Tiny. More information can be found at TinyMCE's Accessibility Documentation

Code Editor Accessibility Shortcuts

By default, pressing Tab in an editable editor inserts the Tab character (or spaces depending on the indentation setting) and does not navigate to the next focusable element on the page. You can toggle the trapping of Tab with Ctrl+M on Windows and Linux and with Ctrl+Shift+M on OSX, and subsequent Tab keys will move focus out of the editor.

For more information on Code Editor Accessibility, please visit the Monaco Editor Accessibility Guide.

Accessibility Feedback & Bugs

If you encounter any issues with Piazza in regards to accessibility, or you have any feedback you'd like to share, please email us at [email protected].