Miscellaneous - Students

Student: Loading Piazza...
The "Loading Piazza..." screen most often appears when an account has been suspended due to too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please go to www...
Student: Change School on Network Profile
To have the school on your Network profile changed, please contact [email protected].
Student: Redirected to Network Upon Login
When you are redirected to Piazza Network upon logging in to Piazza Q&A, this means that you are not enrolled in any courses on Piazza Q&A. Check wi...
Student: Piazza Network
Steps for Opting In and Out of the Piazza Network Opting Into the Piazza Network 1. Click the gear icon from within Piazza Q&A, then Account/Em...
Student: Piazza Network Badges
What does the TS badge mean? The TS badge indicates that you’re a Top Student in a class, meaning you have received the most instructor endorsements on ...
Text Editor Options - Student
Basic Formatting Use formatting options in the menu bar under Format to bold, underline, and italicize text.  You can also use bulleted and numbered lis...
Joining a Group
If your instructor has enabled group-based discussion, you can join groups by navigating to the Resources tab and clicking on the Groups section: Onc...
"Please authenticate" error
If you are seeing a "please authenticate" error, please close out the Piazza tab, clear your browser cache and cookies, then try again.