Before you can utilize Piazza within your LMS, please make sure your instructor has already integrated your Piazza course into your class’ LMS instance. Once Piazza is added to your LMS course, navigate to and click on the Piazza tool in the LMS navigation bar:
Once you click on the Piazza tab, you’ll be taken through your account creation and class enrollment:
If you don’t already have an account with Piazza, the “Create Piazza Account” area will invite you to enter your name and choose and confirm a Piazza password. Then, review and agree to our Terms of Use and click “Continue”.
Next, you’ll be prompted to input your Academic Information (program of study, major, and graduation date). Once completed, click “Continue”:
You’ll then be presented with the opportunity to join the Piazza Network (an optional platform which connects students with employers).
After making your selection for the Piazza Network, you’ll be presented with your Piazza class. Welcome to Piazza!
Click anywhere to dismiss the tutorial and you’ll be taken to your Piazza class within your LMS:
After your first login to Piazza via your LMS, you will be able to access your Piazza course with single sign on directly through the LMS.
With the email and password you provided, you can access your Piazza account directly through and our mobile apps.
Need more help? Email us at [email protected].