Miscellaneous - Instructors

Learning Management System Changes
Access codes and instructor self-signup permissions now apply to Learning Management System (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.) integrations.  If an access code ...
"Loading Piazza..." screen
 The "Loading Piazza..." screen most often appears when an account has been suspended due to too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please go to ht...
Instructor Accounts vs. Student Accounts
Only instructors are able to view the Manage Class tab. Students do not see this tab in the top navigation. Here is the student view of the top ba...
How Do I Delete a Class?
If you would like to delete a class you created from Piazza, please contact [email protected].
Text Editor Options - Instructors
Basic Formatting Use formatting options in the menu bar under Format to bold, underline, and italicize text. You can also use bulleted and numbered lis...
"Please authenticate" error
If you are seeing a "please authenticate" error, please close out the Piazza tab, clear your browser cache and cookies, then try again.